Great read John. Ah yes, Woodstock. It certainly conjures whimsical memories still to this day for many of us. While I would have loved to go and made a valiant attempt my parents were prepared to bound and gag me to keep me away! ha Needless to say they won. This is one time I'm glad they did. After hearing the horror stories about that fateful concert event, I had to live vicariously thru a couple of older pals who did go and lived to talk about it! ha Now Jay Markarian was quite the impressionist and entertainer. While we were never friends, we were friendly. He left many indelible memories for me, and one special kind thought (not exactly PG material) in my yearbook which I will never forget!! ha.

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Hi John,

You can substitute my name for yours, I had the exact same experience!

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Great remembrance of a time long gone,…..great job John !!!

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I hung out a bit with Jay and Richard in 10th grade. Richard always reminded me of a 18th to 19th century poet.

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That’s a really superb description. Did I capture them? Have you ever written about those glory days?

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That’s EXACTLY right! I didn’t really know either one of them but they livened up that Speech class. Wondered whatever happened to Jay? He was a true revolutionary…

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