This is certainly thought-provoking., challenging me to reconsider my understanding of Gettysburg. I loved my visit to Gettysburg and have read some books sbout it, ranging from historical non fiction to romances. I remember thinking it was honorable to acknowledge the sacrifices of both sides.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

This was such a horror of an event, this war. We lost many more people in this war than in any other before or since.

The saddest thing is we did it to ourselves.

I have two relatives who were in that war, a distant cousin who was killed at the Second Battle of Bull Run in 1863, at age 28, and a great great grandfather who after nearly 30 battles was so damaged by these events he deserted a pregnant wife, never to be seen again.

We did it to ourselves.

The ‘American People’ need desperately to remember what happened to U.S. during that struggle, and more importantly remember President Abraham Lincoln’s plea in his Inaugural speech, that

“We must be friends”.

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