I discovered John McPhee because he did a fabulous book on Bill Bradley, "A Sense of Where You Are." Made me a McPhee fan and I've bought and read just about everything he's written ever sense. Angell had one of the most moving descriptions of the 1975 World Series, which I still think may be the best ever, but day to day, Peter Gammons, originally of the Boston Globe, was unmatched in his writing about the Red Sox. Baseball mainly has attracted some of the greatest writing, not just sports, but writing period!

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Another super piece of writing, John. Content and style are major league. Never saw that when you were in Nashua. Maybe I just didn't look closely enough. No matter. You've got it in spades now. Congrats!

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Agreed. He hid his talent well!

But seriously, John, I am quite impressed

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Wow, thanks for the awesome recommendations!

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