Beautiful, John. Really well written , an ethereal subject, thought provoking on so many levels as love is subjective and experienced differently by many different people. I’ll read this quite a few times I’m sure. Thanks!


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Gary: That's so kind of you. It is a fascinating story and I was surprised how quickly my students took to it, wanted to talk about it, thought about it. Chekhov is such a subtle writer. Really happy you enjoyed it...

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Geez, this was so brilliant that it made me want to go out and immediately grab all of your books.

I can’t buy them at the moment, and I can’t monetarily contribute to this site right now either, and I know this is a pale substitute for that, but I think that was a very beautifully written and thought provoking essay.

I’m new to your sub stack site and trying to catch up by reading older posts. I’m a huge Dylan fan, so I want to seek out those…

…but this post/essay was just wonderfully done.

And thanks for introducing me to a previously-unknown-to-me short story :)

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Wow. What a generous, thoughtful comment. You've very kind, William. I'm so happy you really enjoyed the story. Thank you so very much.

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